A: Faculty, staff, or students can email librarian@tlu.edu or use the Ask a Question button on the library website.
A: Contact Mark Dibble or librarian@tlu.edu to arrange for course-integrated instruction sessions. These are also a great way for you to learn about TLU’s resources in your discipline! Instruction sessions can take place in the library instruction lab (20 student computer workstations), in your classroom, or virtually. You can also fill out the Instruction Session Request Form.
A: First priority is given to materials that support the curriculum and academic programs of the university. Request forms can be found under the Make a Request link on the library website, or contact Mark Dibble. Usually, we are able to fill request for one-time purchases such as books. For ongoing costs such as serials and subscriptions, we are only able to fill requests as money is available, but we encourage faculty to communicate with librarians about their needs.
A: Faculty can place physical items on reserve, including library books, professor’s personal books, copies of articles, games, and media.
If you want students to use your Learning Management System page to access an article or ebook that the library has access to, format your link following the instructions here: Distance Learning for Faculty
Another option is to use the Resource List module in your Brightspace class. When you create a Resource List in your Brightspace class, students can use one list to access all readings and resources for your class, including things owned by the library, things uploaded by you, and things on the open web. You can either divide one large list into sections or create separate lists for separate parts of the course. You can add notes for your students to read, track student engagement with resources, and save your lists for the future. Students can submit comments on each resource, click "completed," and click to alert a librarian to any broken links so we can address them right away. To learn more, visit TLU Library - Resource List.
A: Email librarian@tlu.edu.
A: The TLU Library staff names and areas of responsibility are found at the Library Directory link.
A: The hours are found at the Hours link. During the regular semester, the library usually opens at 7:30am and closes at 9pm M-Th. The library is closed on Saturdays and open on Sundays from 2-9pm.
To see if a journal or magazine is available, either online or in print, look in the Publications by Title list.
Need an item that our library doesn't own? No worries, you can email the title, author and date of what you need to ill@tlu.edu or fill out a form. We can get most (but not all) articles within 2 days and many books within 4-8 days.
For more information, visit our interlibrary loan page.