Reference books can provide background material and be a launching point for further research. The following titles are great starting points, but you can find many more in the library catalog advanced search with the Location limited to Reference. You can also search for e-reference items using our Gale Virtual Reference Library or Credo Reference.
The Library Catalog is the gateway to finding books. Search the catalog for books about speeches, film, gender, culture, or media.
Blumberg Memorial Library arranges materials by the Library of Congress Classification System. Books on communications generally fall into the following call numbers:
Communication P87-96
Journalism P4699-5650
Databases allow you to find scholarly articles. To see all of TLU's databases, visit the Blumberg Memorial Library Resources page and select either databases by Subject or by Title.
Here are a few key databases for Communications:
Provides full text for nearly 3,200 scholarly publications covering academic areas of study including social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, and ethnic studies.
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