Books cover topics in depth. Compared to articles, they usually cover more ground and provide more background information.
Look through the bibliographies of books to find further reading.
Is it up-to-date? For my project, how up-to-date do my sources need to be?
Who is the author? For my project, is it necessary that the book be scholarly? (Scholarly books are written by scholars for other scholars).
For more, see the Library Guides page on evaluating sources.
The Library Catalog is the gateway to finding books in kinesiology. Search the catalog using keywords such as:
sports injuries
sports administration
physical education and training
Use the Advanced search tab to limit by date or use other advanced features.
Blumberg Memorial Library arranges materials according to the Library of Congress Classification System. When you find a good book, look around it on the shelf for books on similar topics. Books on kinesiology generally fall into the following call numbers:
Recreation and Leisure | GV |
Physiology | QP |
Sports Medicine | RC 1200-1245 |