Primary sources offer firsthand evidence from people with a direct connection to the topic. Examples of primary sources:
Secondary sources are one step removed from the primary source. They analyze or interpret past events, creative works, or research findings. Examples of secondary sources:
Some people also refer to another category, tertiary sources - several steps removed from the primary source. Examples of tertiary sources:
Search for your figure's name in many different places.
Try your figure's name as the only search term, especially in the library catalog or WorldCat. In other databases, also try looking for an Advanced Search screen and adding an additional search term such as God, theology, religio* (will find religion or religious in most databases), spiritual*, or faith.
The library has an index called the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature. It is a physical reference source located on the main floor. You can use it to find articles by subject in the library's bound periodicals such as:
You can also use the Reader's Guide to locate periodical articles that the library does not own and request them through ILL.
Provides full-text access (including backfiles) to periodicals. These periodicals are also indexed in QuickSearch. American Spectator (1967-present), Commentary (1945-present), Commonweal (1924-present), Dissent (1954-present), Harper's (1850-present), La Follette's Magazine (1909-1929), Moment (1975-present), The Nation (1865-present), National Review (1955-present), The New Leader (1924-present), The New Republic (1914-present), The New Yorker (1925-present), Orion (1982-present), The Progressive (1909-present), The Washington Monthly (1969-present), and The Weekly Standard (1995-present).