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Computer Science Research Guide

Ask for Assistance

If you get stuck at any point during the research process feel free to contact the TLU librarians by the methods on the left side of the page.  

On this page are some tips to help you find the information that you require. 

--Interlibrary Loan--

Need an item that our library doesn't own? No worries, you can email the title, author and date of what you need to or fill out a form. We can get most (but not all) articles within 2 days and many books within 4-8 days. 

For more information, visit our interlibrary loan page.

--Using databases off-campus--

If you are using an off-campus computer, you will be prompted for your last name (Not your network username but last name only) and your 8-digit TLU ID number.

For some databases, instead of being asked for your instead of your last name and ID number, you will be asked for your normal TLU network username and password (Microsoft 365 Single Sign-On).

TexShare Program

TexShare is a consortium of Texas libraries joining together to share print and electronic materials, purchase online resources, and combine staff expertise.

TexShare Card

The TexShare Card is a statewide library card that lets you borrow books and other physical materials from more than 500 libraries across the state.  TexShare cards can be provided to TLU students, faculty and staff member who are in good standing with the library and institution.  That means that as a TLU student in good standing, you may borrow materials from a university library near your. You can contact the TLU Blumberg Library to get a TexShare card.

Each library sets its own lending policies for visiting TexShare Card users. Many libraries restrict the type or number of materials that a visiting TexShare Card user may borrow. Others impose a minimum age requirement. Typically, libraries do not permit TexShare Card holders to download ebooks or eAudiobooks. Fines for late returns or lost materials apply to TexShare Card borrowers.

The first time you visit a library to use your TexShare Card, be sure to bring a photo ID, your library card (ID card) from your home library, and your TexShare Card. You’ll be asked to complete a registration form in order to activate your borrowing privileges at that library.